Mixteca Alta Formative Project

Mixteca Alta Formative Project (2003-present) is an archaeological project directed by Andrew Balkansky that focuses on the Mixtec of Oaxaca, Mexico. The project, which is funded by the National Science Foundation,[1] the National Geographic Society, and the H. John Heinz III Fund,[2] seeks to understand Mixtec origins and their transition to urbanism.[3] Excavations are currently taking place at the ancient site of Tayata.[4] [5]


Further Reading


Theses and Dissertations


  1. ^ Sun, Min. 2007. "Archaeology Project in Mexico Wins NSF support." Southern Illinois University-Carondale News. Accessed 17 October 2010.
  2. ^ University of Pittsburgh. 2007. Heinz Grant Program for Latin American Archaeology. (Award on page inadvertently misspelled awardee's name "Balansky" in lieu of "Balkansky"). Accessed 17 October 2010.
  3. ^ Andrew K. Balkansky Academic Home Page. 2010. Accessed 14 October 2010.
  4. ^ Drye, Willie. 2008. Earliest Mixtec Cremations Found; Show Elite Ate Dog. National Geographic News (online). Accessed 14 October 2010.
  5. ^ Duncan, William N., Andrew K. Balkansky, Kimberly Crawford, Heather A. Lapham, Nathan J. Meissner. 2008. Human Cremation in Mexico 3,000 Years Ago. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (14):5315-5320.